In this article, we will be going over how to set up and use the Lumeo integration.
Note: Rhombus suggests reaching out to your Rhombus Account Executive to set up a use case call outlining what the Lumeo solution should do.
What is Lumeo?
Lumeo is an award-winning "no-code" video analytics platform. It enables you to design and deploy any video analytics use case using “legos” for computer vision, video analytics, and AI.
Using multi-modal dashboards, drag-and-drop tools, pre-built analytics, and ready-to-use AI models, Lumeo makes it easy to analyze and act on video from cameras for a wide variety of use cases tailored to your requirements for Physical Security, Operations, Compliance, Marketing, and other needs.
Lumeo's cloud-managed analytics can run in real time or on archived data. It supports cloud, on-premises, or hybrid models, allowing you to optimize for convenience or cost.
The Lumeo Rhombus integration enables Lumeo to pull Secure Raw streams from Rhombus cameras, analyze them with any analytics in Lumeo, and push data back to Rhombus or to Lumeo's built-in dashboards for visualization.
How to set up
Below are the steps for setting up the Lumeo integration on the Rhombus side by taking a secured raw stream link of a camera and putting it into Lumeo.
Rhombus Side
1. To set up Lumeo integration please follow the path below.
Rhombus Web Console > Settings > Third Party Integrations > Lumeo
2. Next, go ahead and toggle the 'Enable LUMEO Integration' to turn the integration on.
3. Then go ahead and select a camera in the drop-down that you would like to leverage LUMEO for.
4. Next, navigate to your desired camera and select 'Secure Raw Streams' at the bottom of the 'Camera Details & Settings' page.
5. After clicking on the 'Secure Raw Streams' option you will be shown the option to create a stream.
6. Once you have clicked the 'Create' button you will be prompted to provide a name to the stream.
7. After entering a name and clicking the create button the final window will open where you can get the link for the stream.
8. Lastly, you will want to select 'Copy Link' and navigate to Lumeo.
Lumeo Side
After logging into the Lumeo console here follow the path below to add the Secure Raw stream from Rhombus as an input stream into Lumeo.
Lumeo Console > Deploy > Streams > Add Input Stream
After going to that page go ahead and select 'Global' or a 'Gateway' for the stream and copy the Rhombus Secure Raw stream link into the 'URI' box and give it a name then go ahead and click 'Save all Streams'. Below is a quick video of this process.
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Interested in learning more? Contact Rhombus Sales at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 1 or
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