Topic included in this article:
- User Interface
- Upload an Audio File
- Text-to-Speech
- Record Audio
- Audio Limitations
- Helpful Links
- Contact Support or Sales
This article will cover the Rhombus console setting for adding audio files via upload, text-to-speech, or recorded audio. These audio clips can be used on audio gateways for the Rules Engine feature.
Note: Playing audio clips is a feature that requires an Enterprise license. For more information, please see our Features article.
User Interface
To find the feature, follow the pathway below:
Rhombus Console > Settings > Audio File Management
Once you are in the feature settings, you will see three buttons at the top of the page: "Upload Audio File," "Record Audio," and "Text to Speech." All these options will be discussed later in the article.
Underneath, you will see the list of audio files with names, descriptions, the Text-to-Speech indicator, the used automation rules indicator, the edit button (pencil icon), the delete button("X" icon), and the play button (play icon).
Edit Name & Description
To edit the name or description of an audio file, click on the pencil icon on the right side of the page.
After clicking the pencil, a modal window will appear, and you will be able to edit the name and description of the audio clip.
Delete Audio Clip
To delete an audio clip, press the "X" icon in between the pencil and the play button on the right side of the page.
After clicking the "X" icon, a modal will appear to confirm your deletion request.
Play Audio Clip
To play an audio clip, press the play icon on the far right next to the delete button.
When the clip is playing, the play icon will turn to a pause icon. Please ensure that the volume is turned up on your console to hear the audio file.
Upload an Audio File
What type of files can be uploaded
Below is a list of the audio file types you are able to upload:
- .MP3, .MP4, .WAV, .FLAC, and .ACC
- 2 MB maximum file upload
- Only single-channel audio
- Has to be a 48000 Hz (48 kHz) sample rate
How to upload an audio file
To upload an audio file, click on the "Upload Audio File" button. When the modal opens, follow the prompt to add a name and select the file to upload. To complete this process, select the "Upload" button on the bottom right. Once uploaded, the file will appear on your list, and you will be able to edit, delete, and play it.
To use the text-to-speech function, click on the "Text to Speech" button. When the modal opens, follow the prompt to provide a name, description, and the text you would like turned into audio. To complete this process, select the "Create" button on the bottom right. Once created, the file will appear on your list, and you will be able to edit, delete, and play it.
Note: We currently have a limit of 50 words for the "Text to Speech" section.
Record Audio
To record audio, click on the "Record Audio" button. When the modal opens, follow the prompt to provide the name and press the "Record" button.
While recording, this button will turn into a "Stop" button. Press "Stop" once the recording is over.
Once the recording has stopped, the play button on the right-hand side will turn blue and become clickable. This will allow you to listen to the clip you have recorded prior to uploading it. If you would like to re-record your message, you can do so by selecting the "Record" button once more.
To complete this process, select the "Upload" button on the bottom right. Once uploaded, the file will appear on your list, and you will be able to edit, delete, and play it.
Note: We currently have a limit of 1 minute for the "Record Audio" section.
Audio Limitations
Below is a list of the current limits we have for Audio Files:
- 2 MB upload
- 1 min recording
- 50 words for text-to-speech
Helpful Links
Contact Support or Sales
Have more questions? Contact Rhombus Support at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 2 or
Interested in learning more? Contact Rhombus Sales at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 1 or
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