Topics included in this article:
- Microsoft Prerequisites
- Setup Steps in the Rhombus Console
- OneDrive Use
- Helpful Links
- Contact Support or Sales
Microsoft Prerequisites
In order to use this integration you will need access to Microsoft Graph. You can get access by purchasing Business, Enterprise, or Education plans of Office 365:
Note: The Personal/Family subscription does not work with this integration
Setup Steps in the Rhombus Console
1. Navigate to Settings -> Third Party Integrations. OneDrive is found in the "Storage Management" section. Click Edit (Below).
2. Toggle on the switch to enable OneDrive and click Save in the upper right corner.
Note: don't worry about the 'Tenant ID' as this field will populate automatically.
3. Click on Manage, and you will be prompted to log into your OneDrive account.
4. Select the account you want to use.
Note: you need to be an admin of this account to be able to continue.
5. All done! Your Tenet ID will now be populated and you will start to see saved clips get pushed to your OneDrive
OneDrive Use
You will now see a folder appear within OneDrive labeled "Rhombus-SavedClips". All your new clips will now start to be pushed over to this folder.
Helpful Links
Contact Support or Sales
Have more questions? Contact Rhombus Support at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 2 or
Interested in learning more? Contact Rhombus Sales at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 1 or
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