In this article below we will go over how to set up SSO with Okta via the Rhombus console and Okta console.
Single Sign-On Options
Single Sign-On, or SSO, is a way to sync sign-on across multiple applications allowing you to log-in to all applications with one user account and password.
1. Navigate to the "Settings" Page. | |
2. Select "Single Sign-On" under the Accounts and Users section | |
3. Click the dropdown for "Single Sign-On" and select any of the options you wish to include.
Recovery Users
A Recovery User is a user account in your organization which bypasses SAML once enabled.
Note: It is recommended to have at least two Super User Accounts as Recovery Users when enabling SSO to ensure you have a method of logging and disabling SSO in the event SAML encounters errors.
Enabling a user account as a Recovery User is done during the SSO configuration process.
Okta Setup
1. Sign into your Okta account. Navigate to "Applications", click "Browse App Catalog" and search for Rhombus. Select "Rhombus Systems." |
2. Select "Add Integration." |
3. Select "Done." |
4. The Rhombus Systems application is pre-configured to pass Okta groups as part of the SAML assertion. To configure, follow these steps:
5. Navigate to the Assignments tab and click the Assign button with the drop-down icon. |
6. Select the user(s) you want to assign the rhombus app to by hitting the "Assign" button next to the desired user(s). |
7. Navigate back to the Sign On tab. |
8. Scroll down and click on the "Actions" button, then select View IdP metadata. |
9. Right-click on the page and select "View Page Source." This will change the format so the data can be properly copy and pasted. |
10. Highlight the entire page of XML data and copy. |
11. Paste the XML data into the 'IDP MetaData XML' box below, then toggle the 'Use Single Sign-On' button at the top to turn it on, and then hit save in the upper right. |
12. If you are adding a new user through Okta, you will then have to add the user in the Rhombus console and apply a role to the user. You can automate the process of adding users by setting up SCIM with Okta, to do that, check out this article How to configure SCIM 2.0 with Okta. |
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