In this article, we will cover the following:
- Okta Custom App Creation
- Okta Custom App SSO Setup
- Okta Custom App SCIM Setup
- Creating Groups
- Linking Existing Groups
- Creating Roles
- Helpful Links
- Contact Support or Sales
Okta Custom App Creation
1. First, navigate to applications and select "new app integration."
2. Create a new app integration, select SAML 2.0, and click "Next."
3. You'll then provide an app name and click "Next."
Okta Custom App SSO Setup
1. After providing the app name and clicking "Next," you'll be directed to the "Create SAML Integration" page.
2. First, provide the SSO URL:
3. Provide the SP Entity ID, which can be found in the console by navigating to settings>Single Sign On> SSO> SP Entity ID.
4. Choose the "Name ID Format" to "EmailAddress."
5. Finally, select "I am an Okta Customer," then click "Finish."
6. Scroll down to "SAML Signing Certificates," click actions, and select "View IdP metadata."
7. You will then be directed to a page displaying metadata. Copy the provided metadata.
8. After copying the metadata, go to the Rhombus console Settings>Single Sign-On> SSO> toggle on "Use Single Sign-On for Rhombus Console," drop the copied metadata into the IDP MetaData XML box, and click "Save."
9. After completing this step, you have successfully set up SSO for the custom app and can begin setting up SCIM.
Okta Custom App SCIM Setup:
1. To start, go to your Okta custom app, select the general tab, and click "Edit" on the app settings page.
2. Select SCIM for provisioning. Once complete, click "Save."
3. From there, select "Provisioning" and click "Edit."
4. On the "Supported provisioning actions" line, select "Push New Users," "Push Profile Updates," or "Push Groups," and on the "Authentication Mode" drop-down, select "HTTP Header."
5. Next, navigate to the Rhombus Console, Settings>Single Sign-On>SCIM> Enable SCIM and copy the "Token" String.
6. Once copied, add the token string in the "Authorization."
7. Copy the "Endpoint URL" above the Token and add it to the "SCIM Connector base URL" field.
8. For the "Unique identifier field for users" field, enter "email."
9. Once complete, click "Test Connector Configuration," and you should see a checkmark next to "Create Users," "Update User Attributes," and "Push Groups." Next, click "Save."
10. On the next page click "Edit" and enable "Create Users", "Update User Attributes", and "Deactivate Users."
11. You can either create groups in Okta that will push over to the Rhombus console or link groups already created in the Rhombus Console over to Okta.
Creating Groups
1. Navigate to the directory on the left selection bar and select "Groups."
2. Select "Add Group" and give the group a name.
3. Select "People" from the header, then select "Assign People," and select which user should be designated to their associated group.
4. Navigate to "Applications on the left selection bar, select "Push Groups" from the header, and type in the created group. Then select it and click "Save."
Linking Existing Groups
1. To link existing groups, follow the first steps from creating groups and make sure to type in the same name as the group you wish to link in the console.
2. Type in the linked group name and select "Link Group" and "Save."
Creating Roles
1. Once your push groups are active, you can navigate to "provisioning" >"go to profile editor" > "add attribute following parameters below:
2. Click "Save" and navigate back to the application > assignments. You can then assign it to a group of people or individuals.
3. At the bottom, there will be a section for "Roles." There, you can type in the role name that matches the existing role in the console. Click "Save," and you will be good to go!
Helpful Links
Contact Support and Sales
Have more questions? Contact Rhombus Support at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 2 or
Interested in learning more? Contact Rhombus Sales at +1 (877) 746-6797 option 1 or
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