Topics included in this article:
Note: This feature is currently in BETA. If you would like to participate in the beta program, please submit a feedback request.
ChatGPT Integration Basics
To integrate with ChatGPT, a ChatGPT Plus account is required.
Setting up the ChatGPT integration is done in two steps. First, the integration needs to be enabled in the console. Once that is complete, it can be used with a rule in the Rules Engine.
Enable the Integration
1. Navigate to "Settings" and select "Third Party Integrations." |
2. Click the "Incident Management" tab and select "OpenAI." |
3. Toggle "Enable OpenAI Integration" on. Select "Okay" to acknowledge the beta statement. Note: This feature is currently in beta and subject to change. All usage is charged from OpenAI. |
4. Put in the generated API Token from OpenAI and click "Save." Please reference OpenAI's API documentation and pricing guide for more information. |
Create a ChatGPT Rule
1. Navigate to "Settings" and select "Rules Engine." |
2. Add a new rule and create a name for the rule. Under the "IF" portion, click "Add Trigger" to select the type of behavior you want to trigger this rule. |
3. Click "Add ChatGPT Prompt." |
4. Create the prompt you would like to use, and select the devices you want this prompt to be used with. Fill in the rest of the rule and click "Save." For more information on general rule creation, please review the Rules Engine Setup article. |
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