This article will cover the following:
Azure Custom App Creation
1- Go to “ Enterprise Application”
2- Click on "New application."
3- Click on "Create your own application."
4- Name the new app and select the third option. then click Create.
5- Refresh and navigate back to the Enterprise application. From the overview on the left-hand side, click on "all applications." The new app should be visible on the all applications page.
2) Go to the Rhombus Console and download the Metadata file on the SSO settings page inside the Rhombus Console.
3) Click the Single sign-on tab, and upload your SP Metadata file.
4) Click the explore button on the far right to open the Library folder, locate the file, and once selected hit add.
5) Next, edit the "Basic SAML Configuration" by copying and pasting the information from the SSO page on the Rhombus web console.
This is how the page should look like for Basic SAML Configuration, Attributes & Claims, and SAML Certificates:
6) Next, download the MetaData XML and paste it into the "IDP MetaData XML" field on the Rhombus Single Sign-On Settings page.
7) Edit The Metadata XML by adding the NameIDFormat Attribute as shown below:
Add the following line in the XML within the IDPSSODescriptor as shown below
If you are using a SAML 2.0, you may need to add the appropriate "md" prefixes to the XML tags to match the format.
8) Click "Save" on the Rhombus web console SSO page, top right of the page.
9) Now when users try to log in to Rhombus, they will be redirected to log in through AD. If JIT is not enabled, each user will need to be created in Rhombus before logging in
Adding users to Azure
1- To add users, go back to the home page from the overview on the left-hand side and click on "Users"
2- Click on "Create new user."
3- Fill in the "User principle name" and "Display Name," then click Create.
Creating groups
1- To create groups, return to the home page from the overview on the left-hand side and click "Groups."
2- Click on "New Group."
3- Give a name to the group, and under "Members," select no members selected, then search for users who need to be added to the group, then click Create.
4- From the Enterprise application page, click "Assign users and groups," where you can add users or groups to your new app.
5- Click on "add user/group"
6- Select users or groups, then select their role, and click "Select" and "Assign." The users and groups page will display all users/groups and each user/group's associated role.
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